Seed List

2023-2024 Seed Ordering - NOW CLOSED - Surplus round ordering ended March 15th.

For Reference Only. This is LAST YEAR’s List – Check back December 15, 2024 for next opening.

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that seed name. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes below to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Select many second choices to ensure you receive a full order. Only use Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) to indicate the Second choices selections you want the order fillers to pull first if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections by using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box and only removed on the Your Selections page which is viewable by clicking the >>>Review your order so far button. To make changes to a range choice, you must first remove the listing for that range and then re-enter the new range selections in the Instant Add box. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be selected). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

Click on Finalize Order - Checkout button only when you are finished making your selections and ready to pay for your order.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, members from the European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan cannot order any moist packed seed and cannot place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
1127 Liatris aspera pink-purple 30-180cm 119 G
1129 Liatris ligulistylis pinkish purple 20-100cm > G
1130 Liatris microcephala lavender-purple 30-80cm 2 116 119 G
1131 Liatris punctata lavender-purple 15-85cm 156 162 G
3177 Liatris punctata Nebraska: Frontier Co 144 W
1132 Liatris pycnostachya deep rose purple 60-120cm 2 G
1133 Liatris spicata pink-purple 40-110cm 86 129 G
1134 Libertia sessiliflora pale blue to 60cm 106 G
1136 Ligularia subsagittata yellow 25-90cm 20 G
3178 Ligusticum grayi white 60cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2316m 115 W
1137 Ligusticum porteri white 90-180cm 156 G
1140 Lilium columbianum orange/tan spots 90cm 69 G
1141 Lilium columbianum yellow/orange w/maroon spots to 1.7m 6 G
3179 Lilium columbianum orange 90cm Canada: Port Renfrew, BC 131 W
1142 Lilium concolor 'Shikoku Yellow' yellow/red spots 30-60cm 139 G
1143 Lilium formosanum white/maroon stripe outer 120-200cm 133 150 169 G
1145 Lilium martagon dark maroon 1-2m 26 G
1146 Lilium martagon mix 1-2m 92 G
1147 Lilium martagon pink 60cm 60 G
1148 Lilium martagon pink-purple/spotted 1-2m 21 77 112 G
1150 Lilium martagon white/pink mix 1-2m 160 G
1151 Lilium martagon 'Albiflorum' white/pink-red spots 1-2m 26 G
1152 Lilium martagon 'Album' white/spotless 1-2m 26 112 G
1154 Lilium martagon 'Black Prince' dark burgundy-red to 120cm 102 G
1155 Lilium martagon 'Bronze Medallion' yellow-peach/brown spots 1-2m 26 G
1160 Lilium martagon 'Pink Morning' mauve-pink/red-pink spots 90-120cm 26 G
1161 Lilium martagon 'Rose Arch' rose pink/peach to 120cm 26 G
1162 Lilium martagon 'Sunny Morning' golden yellow-orange 90-120cm 89 G
1156 Lilium martagon hybrid deep red 50cm 61 G
1157 Lilium martagon hybrid light maroon/large spots 1-2m 26 G
1158 Lilium martagon hybrid 'Gaybird' pink-red/golden center/dark brown spots 100-150cm 26 G
1159 Lilium martagon hybrid 'Peppard Gold' golden yellow/brown spots 100-150cm 26 G
3181 Lilium michiganense spotted orange 120cm Michigan: Oakland Co 111 W
1165 Lilium pardalinum ssp shastense orange-red to 2m 31 G
1166 Lilium pensylvanicum orange-brick red 30-70cm 28 G
1167 Lilium speciosum white-pink to 120cm 111 G
1168 Limnanthes alba white/cream 8-40cm 44 G
1169 Limnanthes douglasii white/yellow center 3-35cm 21 70 G
1170 Limonium cosyrense lavender-blue 10-25cm 47 G
1171 Limonium gougetianum pale violet 10-20cm 30 G
1172 Limonium humile lavender-blue 20cm 74 G
1173 Limonium minutum light violet 10-15cm 47 62 G
1174 Linaria aeruginea purple/violet 10-20cm 30 G
1176 Linaria hybrids mixed (similar to 'Neon Lights') mix 10-15cm 160 G
1178 Linum dolomiticum yellow flr/grey-green lvs 10-15cm 160 G
3183 Linum lewisii blue 60cm Oregon: Santiam Pass 1341m 115 W
1179 Linum monogynum white to 40cm 7 G
1180 Lobelia cardinalis red 60-120cm > G
3185 Lobelia cardinalis red 100cm Massachusetts: Chilmark, Dukes Co 105 W
3186 Lobelia inflata white 30cm Massachusetts: South Easton 126 W