905 |
Geum montanum |
bright yellow 10-35cm 30 |
G |
907 |
Geum reptans |
yellow 5-20cm 39 |
G |
908 |
Geum rivale |
pink 25-70cm 23 |
G |
909 |
Gilia capitata |
blue-bluish violet 10-90cm 114 |
G |
910 |
Gillenia trifoliata |
white 40-100cm 2 22 145 |
G |
3151 |
Gillenia trifoliata |
white 35cm Ohio: Vinton Co 8 |
W |
911 |
Gladiolus carneus |
pink 25-60cm 51 |
G |
912 |
Gladiolus communis |
reddish purple 50-100cm 94 |
G |
914 |
Gladiolus saundersii |
salmon-scarlet/white speckles 40-90cm 158 |
G |
915 |
Gladiolus tristis |
cream/brown shading 40-100cm 11 117 |
G |
917 |
Glaucidium palmatum |
pink-pale purple 45-60cm > |
G |
918 |
Glaucium acutidentatum hybrids |
orange/red/yellow 156 |
G |
919 |
Glaucium flavum |
orange to 80cm 72 |
G |
920 |
Gleditsia triacanthos v inermis (thornless) |
9-21m 143 |
G |
921 |
Globularia bisnagarica |
blue 5-30cm 30 |
G |
922 |
Globularia incanescens |
pale blue 5-10cm 130 |
G |
923 |
Globularia linifolia |
violet-blue 7-30cm 76 |
G |
924 |
Globularia meridionalis |
lavender-blue 10-15cm 62 |
G |
925 |
Globularia nudicaulis |
violet-blue 20-30cm 82 85 159 |
G |
926 |
Globularia punctata |
blue 10-30cm 156 |
G |
928 |
Globularia trichosantha |
violet-blue 15-20cm 138 159 |
G |
929 |
Gloriosa modesta |
bright yellow/orange to 2m 70 |
G |
930 |
Goniolimon tataricum |
white 30-45cm 104 |
G |
931 |
Gymnocalycium baldianum |
red/pink/orange 4-10cm 88 |
G |
932 |
Gypsophila petraea |
white/pale purple to 20cm 156 |
G |
933 |
Hakonechloa macra |
30-45cm 25 |
G |
935 |
Haplopappus prunelloides |
yellow 3-10cm 11 |
G |
936 |
Hastingsia alba |
white-yellowish 40-90cm 1 |
G |
937 |
Haworthiopsis attenuata |
white banded/spotted lvs 6-13cm 100 |
G |
938 |
Hedeoma nana |
pink-purple 10-25cm 46 |
G |
939 |
Hedysarum boreale ssp mackenziei |
pink-purple 15-40cm 28 |
G |
3153 |
Hedysarum sp |
pink 30-50cm Alaska: Mt Healy 28 |
W |
940 |
Hedysarum sp (ex NE Utah) |
156 |
G |
3154 |
Helianthella uniflora |
yellow 70cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2408m 115 |
W |
3155 |
Helianthus annuus |
yellow 1m Oregon: Aldrich Mtns 792m 115 |
W |
942 |
Helianthus maximiliani |
yellow 50-300cm 53 |
G |
944 |
Heliophila coronopifolia |
bright blue to 60cm 114 |
G |
947 |
Helleborus foetidus 'Leather and Lace' |
light green flr/dark black-green lvs 50-90cm 169 |
G |
948 |
Helleborus foetidus 'Red Silver' |
green/burgundy edged flr/pewter lvs 30-60cm 169 |
G |
949 |
Helleborus foetidus 'Sienna' (moist packed) |
pale green flr/dark greenish-black lvs 30-60cm 159 |
G |
946 |
Helleborus foetidus Krenitsky Strain |
light green flr/dark green lvs 50-60cm 169 |
G |
962 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) 'Eco Dragon's Blood' (moist packed) |
pink-green w/dark spots to 45cm 159 |
G |
965 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) 'Sunshine Strain' (moist packed) |
mix 30-45cm 159 |
G |
950 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
black-slate to 45cm 159 |
G |
952 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
mix pink-white/no spots to 45cm 159 |
G |
953 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
mixed to 45cm 159 |
G |
954 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
pale pink w/spots to 45cm 159 |
G |
955 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
pink/no spots to 45cm 159 |
G |
956 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
pink/red veins to 45cm 159 |
G |
957 |
Helleborus hybridus (x) (moist packed) |
pink-purple/dark veins to 45cm 159 |
G |