Seed List

2023-2024 Seed Ordering - NOW CLOSED - Surplus round ordering ended March 15th.

For Reference Only. This is LAST YEAR’s List – Check back December 15, 2024 for next opening.

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that seed name. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes below to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Select many second choices to ensure you receive a full order. Only use Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) to indicate the Second choices selections you want the order fillers to pull first if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections by using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box and only removed on the Your Selections page which is viewable by clicking the >>>Review your order so far button. To make changes to a range choice, you must first remove the listing for that range and then re-enter the new range selections in the Instant Add box. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be selected). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

Click on Finalize Order - Checkout button only when you are finished making your selections and ready to pay for your order.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, members from the European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan cannot order any moist packed seed and cannot place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
238 Arabis blepharophylla 'Fruhlingszauber' deep pink 10-20cm 159 G
239 Arabis sturii (x) (aff) white 7cm 93 G
240 Aralia racemosa white flr/purple frt 90-150cm 2 63 G
241 Archanthemis marschalliana ssp marschalliana yellow flr/silvery lvs 10-30cm 156 G
3025 Arctostaphylos patula pink 1.5m Oregon: Santiam Pass 1341m 115 W
3026 Arctostaphylos pungens Nevada: Clark Co 1219m 156 W
242 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi white-pink flr/red frt 5-30cm 87 G
243 Arctotis fastuosa orange to 60cm 99 G
3027 Arctous alpina white 5-15cm Alaska: Mt Healy 28 W
244 Argemone albiflora ssp albiflora 'Coker' white 76cm 169 G
245 Argemone munita white 40-160cm 156 G
3028 Argemone munita ssp rotundata white Nevada: Washoe Co 1372m 72 W
3029 Argemone polyanthemos Nebraska: Frontier Co 144 W
247 Arisaema consanguineum green/purple-brown 90-180cm 60 121 G
250 Arisaema flavum yellow 30-75cm 9 32 60 G
251 Arisaema heterophyllum yellow green-purple tinged to 100cm 105 152 G
256 Arisaema tortuosum green/purple to 120cm 140 158 G
257 Arisaema triphyllum green/purple-brown w/white stripes 60-90cm 142 159 G
259 Aristida wrightii 45-100cm 128 G
260 Aristolochia californica pale green/brown-purple to 5m 69 G
261 Aristolochia fimbriata yellow-brown flr/silver-veined lvs 15-30cm 74 169 G
262 Aristolochia macrophylla yellow-green/red-brown to 20m 133 G
263 Aristolochia watsonii brown-orangish w/maroon spots flr/purple lvs to 50cm 169 G
267 Armeria 'Joystick' pink 25-30cm 73 G
264 Armeria alliacea pink 15-30cm 159 G
265 Armeria caespitosa pink-purple 2-5cm 20 G
266 Armeria canescens pink-rose 15-35cm 78 G
270 Armeria maritima pale pink 20cm 83 G
271 Armeria maritima white 15-30cm 136 G
272 Armeria maritima 'Cotton Tail' white 10-15cm 83 G
273 Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorfer Stolz' dark pink 10-20cm 159 G
274 Armeria maritima 'Splendens' deep pink 15-30cm 159 G
275 Armeria pseudarmeria carmine pink 30cm 37 G
277 Arnica angustifolia ssp alpina (ex NL, Canada) yellow 20cm 20 G
3031 Arnica mollis yellow 40cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2499m 115 W
3032 Arnica ovata yellow 30cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2499m 115 W
278 Arnica sachalinensis yellow 45-90cm 20 G
279 Artemisia capitata yellow flr/grey woolly lvs 5-20cm 156 G
3033 Artemisia frigida brown flr/silver-green finely dissected lvs 5-15cm Utah: Wasatch Plateau, Sanpete Co 160 W
3034 Artemisia ludoviciana ssp candicans green 80cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 1920m 115 W
280 Arum concinnatum pale green/purple edge 20-45cm 125 G
281 Arum cylindraceum pale green 15-30cm 112 G
283 Arum dioscoridis v syriacum pale green/maroon spots to 45cm 112 G
284 Arum italicum cream-light green flr/orange-red frt 30-45cm 152 159 G
285 Arum italicum ssp albispathum white to 40cm 78 G
286 Arum italicum ssp italicum 'Marmoratum' cream flr/orange-red frt/white vein lvs 30-45cm 103 112 121 G
289 Aruncus sylvester v sylvester (as aethusifolius) cream-white 30cm 2 93 G
290 Asarina procumbens cream/yellow 5-7cm 30 170 G
291 Asclepias angustifolia 'Sonoita' blush pink buds/white flr 60cm 138 151 G
292 Asclepias curassavica red/orange/yellow to 1m 136 G