Seed List

2023-2024 Seed Ordering - NOW CLOSED - Surplus round ordering ended March 15th.

For Reference Only. This is LAST YEAR’s List – Check back December 15, 2024 for next opening.

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that seed name. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes below to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Select many second choices to ensure you receive a full order. Only use Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) to indicate the Second choices selections you want the order fillers to pull first if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections by using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box and only removed on the Your Selections page which is viewable by clicking the >>>Review your order so far button. To make changes to a range choice, you must first remove the listing for that range and then re-enter the new range selections in the Instant Add box. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be selected). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

Click on Finalize Order - Checkout button only when you are finished making your selections and ready to pay for your order.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, members from the European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan cannot order any moist packed seed and cannot place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
1506 Polygonella polygama white 15-70cm 169 G
1507 Pontechium maculatum crimson red flr/grey-green hairy lvs 40-70cm 109 159 G
1508 Potentilla crantzii yellow 15-25cm 46 G
1509 Potentilla crantzii (ex Cape Norman, NL Canada) yellow 10cm 20 G
1510 Potentilla erecta yellow 10-30cm 81 G
3269 Potentilla gracilis v flabelliformis yellow 25cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2134m 115 W
1511 Potentilla megalantha yellow 10-20cm 20 G
1512 Potentilla nepalensis rose red 50cm 160 G
1513 Potentilla nepalensis 'Helen Jane' pink-salmon/red eye 30cm 24 G
1514 Potentilla porphyrantha pink flr/silver felted lvs 5-15m 46 159 G
1515 Potentilla pulvinaris yellow flr/grey hairy lvs 5-10cm 46 G
1516 Potentilla speciosa white-pale yellow flr/silver lvs 5-30cm 156 G
1517 Potentilla villosa yellow flr/woolly lvs 5-25cm 20 G
1518 Primula alpicola mix 15-60cm 77 G
1519 Primula auricula yellow to 20cm 35 G
1520 Primula beesiana rose pink 20-50cm 77 G
1522 Primula bulleyana orange-yellow 20-70cm 20 77 G
3271 Primula capitata India: Above Yumthang, Sikkim 4000m 165 W
1524 Primula clevelandii pink 10-40cm 35 G
1525 Primula cockburniana 'Kevock Sunshine' yellow 20-30cm 21 G
1526 Primula elatior light yellow to 30cm 35 55 144 G
1528 Primula florindae yellow 30-120cm 20 77 G
3272 Primula hendersonii pink 30cm Canada: Victoria, BC 131 W
1529 Primula japonica coral-pink 45-60cm 92 G
1530 Primula japonica crimson/purple-red 45-60cm 160 G
1531 Primula japonica dark crimson 45-60cm 79 G
1532 Primula japonica dark pink/magenta 45-60cm 98 G
1533 Primula japonica mix 45-60cm 20 55 G
1534 Primula japonica pink shades 45-60cm 31 168 G
1535 Primula japonica red-pink 45-60cm 122 G
1536 Primula japonica white 45-60cm 92 G
1537 Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson' crimson red 45-60cm 168 G
1538 Primula japonica 'Postford White' white/yellow eye 45-60cm 15 160 168 G
1539 Primula jeffreyi magenta-lavender/cream 10-60cm 26 G
1540 Primula latiloba white 15-40cm 26 G
1541 Primula matthioli pink 20-25cm 35 G
1542 Primula matthioli pink-purple 20-25cm 15 20 26 G
1543 Primula matthioli white 20-25cm 35 G
1545 Primula meadia pink 10-50cm 35 G
1546 Primula meadia white 10-50cm 54 92 168 G
1548 Primula pauciflora magenta-lavender 10-45cm 21 94 98 G
1549 Primula poissonii deep purplish crimson/rose-purple 20-45cm 162 G
1550 Primula polyantha (x) mix yellow/rust-red/copper-bronze 15-20cm 160 G
1551 Primula pubescens (x) mix 15-20cm 47 G
1552 Primula pulverulenta magenta 25-100cm 20 G
1553 Primula pulverulenta rose-purple 25-100cm 77 G
1554 Primula scotica violet/red-purple to 10cm 6 77 G
1555 Primula secundiflora rose-purple/deep rose 10-60cm 77 G
1556 Primula sieboldii mix 12-25cm 2 G
1557 Primula sieboldii pink shades 12-25cm 107 G