3241 |
Penstemon laetus |
blue-lavender/white to 70cm California: Mariposa Co 1524m 80 |
W |
1418 |
Penstemon laricifolius |
mix pink/white 10-30cm 147 |
G |
1419 |
Penstemon laricifolius (ex Albany Co, WY) |
white 15cm 120 |
G |
3242 |
Penstemon leiophyllus v leiophyllus |
blue-purple 25-30cm Utah: Markagunt Plateau, Iron Co 160 |
W |
1420 |
Penstemon linarioides |
blue/lavender 8-50cm 156 |
G |
1421 |
Penstemon linarioides v sileri |
blue/lavender 8-40cm 156 |
G |
1422 |
Penstemon mensarum |
dark blue/purple-violet 25-90cm 104 |
G |
1423 |
Penstemon mexicali (x) |
violet-pink 30-40cm 160 |
G |
1424 |
Penstemon mexicali (x) 'Pike's Peak Purple' |
purple 30-45cm 116 |
G |
1425 |
Penstemon mexicali (x) 'Red Rocks' |
bright rose-red to 45cm 159 |
G |
1426 |
Penstemon murrayanus |
red 50-150cm 110 |
G |
1427 |
Penstemon nitidus |
blue-violet flr/blue-grey lvs 5-40cm 120 129 |
G |
1428 |
Penstemon ovatus |
violet-blue/purple 30-100cm 43 140 |
G |
1429 |
Penstemon palmeri |
pale pink-white/pinkish lavender 43-140cm 72 91 |
G |
3243 |
Penstemon palmeri |
Nevada: Clark Co 1219m 156 |
W |
3244 |
Penstemon palmeri v eglandulosus |
white/pink tints 75-100cm Utah: Tushar Mtns, Beaver Co 160 |
W |
1430 |
Penstemon parryi |
rose-pink/magenta 30-120cm 70 |
G |
1431 |
Penstemon pinifolius |
orange 10-50cm 90 |
G |
1432 |
Penstemon pinifolius |
scarlet 10-50cm 160 |
G |
1434 |
Penstemon procerus |
violet-blue/purple 3-55cm 156 |
G |
3245 |
Penstemon procerus v tolmiei |
purple 15-20cm Washington: Icicle Ridge 2150m 10 |
W |
1436 |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis |
fuchsia 60-100cm 72 |
G |
1437 |
Penstemon rattanii v rattanii (aff) |
violet/blue 15-20cm 5 |
G |
1438 |
Penstemon richardsonii |
magenta 60cm 153 |
G |
3246 |
Penstemon richardsonii |
purple-pink 30cm Oregon: Aldrich Mtns 792m 115 |
W |
1439 |
Penstemon rostriflorus |
orangish red-scarlet 30-100cm 72 |
G |
3247 |
Penstemon rydbergii v aggregatus |
blue-purple 20-25cm Utah: Markagunt Plateau, Iron Co 160 |
W |
3248 |
Penstemon rydbergii v rydbergii |
blue-purple 15-20cm Washington: E Cascade Range, Yakima Co 1852m 160 |
W |
3249 |
Penstemon scariosus v scariosus |
lavender-blue 30cm Utah: Wasatch Plateau, Sanpete Co 3095m 160 |
W |
1441 |
Penstemon secundiflorus |
blue-violet/lavender 20-45cm 62 |
G |
1442 |
Penstemon secundiflorus |
pink-lavender 20-45cm 120 |
G |
3250 |
Penstemon sepalulus |
purple 30cm Utah: Wasatch Range, Utah Co 2150m 160 |
W |
1444 |
Penstemon serrulatus |
blue-violet/purple 13-80cm 59 94 |
G |
1445 |
Penstemon serrulatus |
pink-purple 13-80cm 35 |
G |
1446 |
Penstemon smallii |
lavender-violet/purple 35-80cm 93 107 |
G |
1447 |
Penstemon spatulatus |
light blue-light purple 6-26cm 156 |
G |
3251 |
Penstemon spatulatus |
purple 40cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 2408m 115 |
W |
3252 |
Penstemon speciosus |
blue Nevada: Washoe Co 2438m 72 |
W |
3253 |
Penstemon speciosus |
blue/lavender to 70cm California: Mono Co 2400m 80 |
W |
1448 |
Penstemon strictus |
purple-violet/blue 35-70cm 6 35 155 |
G |
1449 |
Penstemon strictus 'Bandera' |
dark purple-blue 60cm 156 |
G |
3254 |
Penstemon subglaber |
bright blue 30-50cm Utah: Wasatch Plateau, Sanpete Co 160 |
W |
1450 |
Penstemon venustus |
lavender-purple/violet 18-80cm 72 120 |
G |
1451 |
Penstemon virens |
blue-light purple/violet 10-40cm > |
G |
1452 |
Penstemon virgatus |
violet-pink lavender/purple 20-65cm 144 |
G |
1453 |
Penstemon virgatus v asa-grayi |
violet-pink lavender/purple 20-65cm 5 |
G |
1454 |
Penstemon whippleanus |
dark brownish purple 20-65cm 93 |
G |
1455 |
Penstemon wrightii |
red-pink 40-70cm 34 |
G |
1456 |
Persea liebmannii |
to 15m 133 |
G |
1457 |
Persicaria orientalis (PI) |
rose red 60-250cm 60 |
G |