411 |
Capnoides (Corydalis) sempervirens |
pink/yellow tip 5-80cm 8 44 159 |
G |
3072 |
Capnoides (Corydalis) sempervirens |
New York: Rhinebeck 136 |
W |
3073 |
Capnoides (Corydalis) sempervirens |
pink/yellow 40-60cm Massachusetts: Granby 132 |
W |
412 |
Caputia tomentosa |
yellow flr/white-felted lvs to 30cm 49 |
G |
413 |
Cardiocrinum cordatum (as v glehnii) |
greenish-white/red throat to 180cm 105 |
G |
415 |
Cardiocrinum giganteum |
white/streaked purple 1-3m 38 75 160 |
G |
417 |
Carex pendula |
20-100cm 23 |
G |
418 |
Carex phyllocephala |
green 20-60cm 1 |
G |
419 |
Carex scaposa (ex DJHV 2304) |
pink to 30cm 169 |
G |
420 |
Carlina acaulis ssp caulescens |
silvery white 15-50cm 78 |
G |
3074 |
Carnegiea gigantea (crested form) |
white-green Arizona: Tucson 123 |
W |
3075 |
Castilleja chromosa |
yellow-orange Nevada: Washoe Co 2438m 72 |
W |
3076 |
Castilleja flava |
yellow 100cm Colorado: Rio Blanco Co 74 |
W |
3077 |
Castilleja sp |
10-15cm Alaska: Bison Gulch 28 |
W |
3078 |
Castilleja sp |
Nevada: Clark Co 1219m 156 |
W |
422 |
Ceanothus americanus |
white 80-150cm 54 |
G |
423 |
Ceanothus prostratus |
blue/lavender/purple 3-5cm 43 |
G |
3080 |
Ceanothus prostratus |
pink/purple Nevada: Washoe Co 2286m 72 |
W |
424 |
Celtica gigantea |
1-2.5m 38 |
G |
425 |
Cenolophium denudatum |
white 50-150cm 2 |
G |
426 |
Centaurea cyanus (PI) |
blue 40-90cm 126 |
G |
427 |
Centaurea montana |
blue-purple 30-70cm 70 |
G |
428 |
Centaurium scilloides |
bright pink 7.5cm 60 |
G |
429 |
Cephalaria gigantea |
pale yellow 120-180cm 36 136 157 |
G |
430 |
Cerastium alpinum |
white 10cm 109 |
G |
431 |
Cerastium alpinum v lanatum |
white flr/silvery woolly lvs 6-10cm 159 167 |
G |
432 |
Cercis occidentalis |
pink-purple 3-4m 61 |
G |
435 |
Chaenorhinum origanifolium |
blue-lilac to 35cm 159 |
G |
3084 |
Chamaedaphne calyculata |
white 1m New York: Parishville 107 |
W |
436 |
Chasmatophyllum musculinum |
bright yellow 5cm 46 |
G |
437 |
Chelidonium majus |
yellow to 1m 156 |
G |
438 |
Chelone glabra |
white/pink-tinged 60-90cm 92 |
G |
439 |
Cherleria laricifolia |
white 10-20cm 30 |
G |
440 |
Chiastophyllum oppositifolium |
yellow 15cm 167 |
G |
3089 |
Chimaphila umbellata |
pink 20cm Oregon: Strawberry Mtns 1951m 115 |
W |
441 |
Chionanthus virginicus |
white 3-10m 54 |
G |
3090 |
Cirsium occidentale |
red Nevada: Washoe Co 2286m 72 |
W |
443 |
Cistus parviflorus |
rose-pink flr/grey-green felted lvs to 90cm 65 |
G |
444 |
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon' |
white flr/yellow frt/contorted to 3.5m 143 |
G |
470 |
Clematis 'Lunar Lass' |
greenish-cream/white to 90cm 139 |
G |
445 |
Clematis addisonii |
reddish-purple/cream tips 60-100cm 15 116 |
G |
450 |
Clematis coactilis |
pale yellow/purple-tinged hairy flr 20-45cm 166 |
G |
453 |
Clematis crispa |
violet-blue to 3m 122 |
G |
454 |
Clematis fremontii |
pale blue-violet/purple 15-45cm > |
G |
456 |
Clematis fusca |
purple-brown 35-200cm 15 160 |
G |
457 |
Clematis glaucophylla |
deep rose red-purplish red to 5m 166 |
G |
458 |
Clematis heracleifolia |
deep blue/purple 60-90cm 166 |
G |
459 |
Clematis heracleifolia (v urticifolia) |
violet/lilac-blue 30-100cm 166 |
G |
460 |
Clematis hexapetala |
white 30-100cm 156 |
G |
461 |
Clematis hexapetala 'Mongolian Snowflake' |
white 30-90cm 169 |
G |