Your Web Master

Submitted by HughGmail on

My name is Hugh MacMillan and it is my privilege to be your web master for NARGS websites.



I reside in Sedalia, CO, USA (zone 4-5), a lovely area just south of Denver. My passion is of course rock gardening but in addition, I am passionate about plants from the drier climes of the world.

In addition to my web duties for NARGS, web duties currently include webmaster for the following;
Rocky Mountain Chapter of NARGS - (host of the 2010 Annual Meeting!)
American Penstemon Society -
Erigonum Society - (and a founding member of this new society).

best to all of you,
Hugh Mac Millan

Other interests include hiking and viewing plants (collecting seed) whenever I can!


Submitted by Boland on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 06:13

Hello everyone; as another of the forum moderators, I would also like to welcome everyone to our new forum!  Looking forward to 'meeting' with you!


Submitted by RickR on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 06:51

It is a pleasure to serve as another of your forum moderators.  I plan to learn a lot from all of our Society members here, new and old.  I garden just west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and it's a beautiful day!


Submitted by Kuchel on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 17:11

Hi  --  My name is Marianne Kuchel and I garden in the central part of Vermont.  My first love is Primulas and I grow most of them from seed.  I am also interested in alpine plants and have created a small rock garden.  There will probably be more in the future.  I have had a great difficulty getting on to the Forum and have not been able to post.  Maybe I could get some help to figure out what I am doing wrong.  Impossible to send photos.

Marianne Kuchel
Fairlee, Vermont

Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 08:30

Kuchel wrote:

Hi  --  My name is Marianne Kuchel and I garden in the central part of Vermont.  My first love is Primulas and I grow most of them from seed.  I am also interested in alpine plants and have created a small rock garden.  There will probably be more in the future.  I have had a great difficulty getting on to the Forum and have not been able to post.  Maybe I could get some help to figure out what I am doing wrong.  Impossible to send photos.

Marianne Kuchel
Fairlee, Vermont

Hi Marianne, welcome to NARGS Forum.  Can you supply more specific information about the difficulties you are having with the NARG Forum, I'd like to try to help you out. 

By posting your message, I assume that you are now able to log onto the site with your username and password.  Is the problem you're having about not being able to upload photos or to send photos?  If you are trying to send photos using the email feature in the My Messages section, the messages are text-based only.  If you need to post (upload) a photo to a topic response, you can click on "Additional Options" in the lower left corner of your Post reply, then some more options are displayed, on the right-hand side of the "Attach" field, use the Browse button, then navigate to your photo file on your computer's hard drive (needs to be one of the familiar image file types; .jpg, .gif, or .png, and the file must actually have the "file extension" at the end of the file name; such as "primula_elatior.jpg"), highlight the file wanted and click on Open... the file name and path should appear in the "Attach" field.  Then click the Post button, or if you have more than one photo to upload, click on "more attachments" to the right of the Browse button, and repeat the process for up to a maximum of 10 photos.

Let us know how it goes, and please give specific details about any further difficulties you are having. :)
Click on the thumbnail photo below, to see the "additional options" that I described.

Mark McDonough