Seedling ID?

Submitted by Lori S. on

These popped up in a pot seeded with Campanula. Does anyone recognize them? They look sort of Saponaria-ish to me, though that's probably wishful thinking. They don't resemble anything else that I'm growing this year. Thanks in advance for any ideas.


Submitted by Hoy on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 06:27

Do they have milky sap? My first thought was some Euphorbia but they often form an elongated epicotyl.

Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 11:46

Lis wrote:

Maybe this is way off base, but they remind me of Silene seedlings.

I agree Lis, at first I though it might be Silene armeria, but after checking photos, I decided that I wasn't sure enough to commit to that suggestion.

Submitted by Lori S. on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 19:48

Okay, I nipped off a leaf and there is no milky sap, and no particular odour to the leaves.
There is a suggestion of opposite-leaf arrangement to them (though they both remain rosette-like for now).  

Lis and Mark, you may well be on the right track.  Lesley over at the SRGC site suggested Lychnis so that's 3 votes for Silene/Lychnis...  I was thinking Caryophyllaceae as well (though with hopes of Saponaria for whatever reason.  ???)

Submitted by Barstow on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 04:10

Skulski wrote:

Lis and Mark, you may well be on the right track.  Lesley over at the SRGC site suggested Lychnis so that's 3 votes for Silene/Lychnis...  I was thinking Caryophyllaceae as well (though with hopes of Saponaria for whatever reason.  ???)

Actually, my first thought was Dianthus armeria, then I saw Mark's suggestion of Silene armeria!! Didn't find any pictures though....

Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 06:24

Submitted by Lori S. on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 20:26

Well, it certainly does look like the photos of Silene armeria!  I'll try to remember to report back on what it eventually reveals itself to be.
Thanks, everyone, and great sleuthing, Mark!