Plant of the Month for July 2015

Corydalis malkensis

Description and General Information:

Corydalis malkensis is a native of the northern Caucasus, primarily from the valleys of the Kuban and Malka Rivers.  In the wild it is found in open woodlands.

This species is a spring ephemeral.  Plants arise late winter to early spring with glaucous, blue-green, divided foliage that appears almost fern-like.  The tubular flowers are creamy-white, produced in a dense raceme which may reach to 12 cm.  Plants go dormant a few weeks after blooming.


This species requires a well-drained site, humusy site in shade in sun to partial shade.  An ideal woodland plant, they are also useful in partially shaded rock garden situations. Plant the tubers 5-8 cm deep.  The tubers prefer to stay reasonably moist through the dormant season.

Blooming Period:

March in the south to May in the north


Seed, Division


Seeds are short-lived and should be sown as soon as possible after collecting.  Seeds need a stratification period.  Sow in pots as soon as possible and leave them outside for the winter.  Alternatively, sprinkle seeds where they will be grown - they will germinate freely in the spring.


Plants produce multiple tubers as they mature.  Anytime during the dormant season, they may be lifted and the tubers separated.





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