Getting The Word Out on This Forum

Submitted by Peter George on

One of the most effective methods of getting more people to use this forum is for those of us who post, particularly those who post photographs of their trips or have garden photographs, is to write something for a Chapter newsletter about your post. For example, if someone posts a a bunch of pictures of their recent trip to the Andes, and then wrote an article for their newsletter with some 'teaser' pics, while directing the readers to the Forum for a more comprehensive look at the photographic record of the trip, we'd get a lot more members visiting. And once they visit a few times, they'll start to post themselves, and then...................?

So those of you who take the time to post your beautiful photographs and prose, PLEASE write something for a newsletter and get the Chapter members here to see the 'whole.'


Submitted by Toole on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 02:19

I'll spread the word.........

I'm due to give a presentation this friday to my local alpine garden group.

Cheers Dave.