Gaura mutabilis seed source?

Submitted by Saori on


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question...

One of my friends from Japan is interested in hybridizing using Gaura mutabilis ( and is looking for Gaura mutabilis seed.

I have been looking around for quite a while but I haven't had luck so far.

Would anybody out there perhaps be able to share some seeds, or maybe know where I might
obtain some?

Thanks very much!



Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 20:47

First of all Saori, a much belated welcome to the NARGS Forum, somehow I missed your message and I have been remiss in my duties in welcoming you sooner.

And, I'm thrilled with seeing this golden Gaura!  Fantastic.  There was a Renaissance of interest in the genus with the many hybrids of Gaura lindheimeri that came out of Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery with Baldassare Mineo, and many named hybrids have become a mainstay perennial offering at garden nurseries and mail order plant businesses. 

I love the sort of message you put forward, as it sends me scrambling through the internet looking for more information, and lo and behold, I find out that there is so much to the story of Gaura.  Now, I don't know anything about Gaura mutabilis, it is an eye-opener to be sure, and I can see why someone is seeking it for a hybridization program. I wish I knew where to find a source for this plant too.  Checking the USDA Plant Profiles pages there are 20 species of this attractive genus, I'm surprised how many, and who knows how many more exist south of the border in Mexico.  Sadly, the Flora of North America stops at the Mexico-USA border, and it's hard to find information and sources for the rich Mexican flora.

One species I could recommend is Gaura coccinea, one that I first saw in Boulder Colorado while visiting with Panayoti Kelaidis; I've often wondered why this charming red-flowered species was not generally in cultivation. It too might be very good for hybridization.

And the other thing to take note of, the image of G. mutabilis that you posted lives on an extraordinary web site... I could spend hours here.  The plant species list (first link below), pictorially showing many uncommon southwestern USA plants is an excellent resource. Or go to the "Places" link, this is really fun, then click on a US State with red dots, then click on a State's County name, then click on any of the red dots for good scenery views from those locations.  Armchair Botanizing at its best!