Gaultheria procumbens

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This may be useful only to those in the United States. When I was at Home Depot today I saw Wintergreen plants for sale like poinsettias. They looked like the plant in the following link.

The only difference was the pot was wrapped in red plastic. Something to add to your Christmas list? A great decoration that you can then plant in the garden. Unfortunately, I'll be planting mine in a pot full of composed leaves because I know it won't like my limey soil.



Submitted by RickR on Mon, 11/21/2011 - 21:25

They are at the Home Depot here, too.  But not G. procumbens.  The tag said it is a different Gaultheria sp. - I'll check tomorrow.  I crushed a leaf and it smelled only faintly of wintergreen.  Not even close to the much stronger fragrance of procumbens.

I must say, they are excellently grown, and a nice change from the usual Christmas plant decor.  There are blooming hellebores, too.  But I want those Lewisias that the Home Depots in the east U.S. get!

Submitted by AmyO on Tue, 11/22/2011 - 06:49

Aw I have to go check the Home Depot near here for a look-see and a possible addition to my growing pile of plants in my 'nursery' area for overwintering as it's only 21f here right now! Brrrrr  :o

Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 11/22/2011 - 12:55

Here at least two species of Gaultheria are for sale before Xmas, particularly G. mucronata loaded with red, pink or white berries and another one with nice leaves and flowers.