garden pictures

Submitted by penstemon on

Here are some links to pictures Cindy took of the garden and anything else that struck her fancy. Most of them were taken in the garden here, but there are also pictures of Dan Johnson's garden, the Chapungu exhibit at DBG, Harlequin's Gardens in Boulder, border collies, etc.

I thought I would post these in lieu of getting a camera of my own.


Submitted by Mark McD on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 10:38

Bob, a stunning array of photos!  I will need to peruse these at more leisure tonight... busy today doing a couple on-line job applications, and staying cool inside, us North Easterners are not used to 100 degree F days!

Off hand though, my favorite pic, if I could even begin to identify a favorite pic, is the photo of a dog gently reaching for a raspberry.  My dog from many years ago, a female German Shepherd, would ever-so-gingerly pluck low-hanging fruits from several young fruit trees we had.  Thanks for posting these links.

Submitted by IMYoung on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 14:02

Hello Bob, thank you for the link to these great pictures...... for those folks, who, like me, only know you and Cindy Nelson Nold from your book, it is a rare delight to be afforded this glimpse into her photo albums.
What a great eye she had and how I sympathise with your sad loss. I do hope it gives you joy to know how  Cindy's photos will be viewed with pleasure.
Is there a similar archive that we might share of her  lovely botanical paintings?

...with kind regards,
Maggi Young

Submitted by Boland on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 17:04

Stunning photos Bob!  I hope you will consider adding some to the NARGS image database; they would add to it tremendously.

Submitted by penstemon on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 19:11

Thanks, all. I hope this lets me off the hook for pictures for a while.
The pictures are, I think, mostly low-resolution, but feel free to snag any that you like.  (I guess if they're of other gardens that might be an issue, but not to me.)
The water colors are all in the books. (The only one not published is unfinished.)

The way I see it is, you take pictures to prove you grew something. And for a rock gardener, "I grew that" does not necessarily mean that it did well, or that you still have it, or that you got tired of it and dug it up. As in, "Rosulate violas? I've grown them."

Submitted by Boland on Wed, 07/07/2010 - 04:02

Thanks Bob.....a job for the fall when things slow down.  I'll add the best ones (low res or not, they are lovely) making sure I give you the photo credit.

Submitted by Weiser on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 15:36

How nice to see your stunning garden through Cindy's camera lens. I sense that she enjoyed the little nuances and intimate details of nature.
One of my favorites is the picture of the Penstemon grandiflora and it's companions sprouting from a crack in the driveway.

Submitted by Kelaidis on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 15:41

Aaaaaah! Your pictures bring back a lot of sweet memories, Bob: thanks for posting these.

For any of you in the Denver area on Sunday, Bob is opening his garden to visitors by appointment...