Clematis? and if so which species?

Submitted by killdawabbit on

Hi, all. My first post in this forum. I don't know where this came from and have never seen another around here. I do have a large climbing wild clematis that reseeds every so often. But this is completely prostrate (because nothing to grow on?). Also the leaves are much smaller than the wild one.
Anyone have a clue what it is? I first noticed it last year and haven't seen it bloom yet.


Submitted by RickR on Sun, 07/31/2011 - 21:53

I don't have a clue, Kyle.  But then I don't know clematis well at all.  It might help if you could tell us all what part of the country you live in.  You could add it to a signature block that would automatically appear at the bottom of all your posts, as I have done with mine.  If you're interested, learn how here:

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Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 08/07/2011 - 20:09

Well, it sure does look like a clematis.  The ones that occur in your state (native or escaped) are C. catesbyana, crispa, glaucophylla, pitcheri, terniflora, versicolor, viorna, virginiana and viticella, according to USDA Plants.

To my eye, it could very well be C. virginiana:

But I'm no clematis expert!  I can say that, yes, they will be prostrate if there is nothing to climb on.

Does anyone else recognize this plant?