Campanula sosnowskyi?

Submitted by Jeremy on

Here is a plant grown from seed from this year's seed exchange as C. sosnowski. I can find scant info about it online, other than it's from the Caucasus, blue, and leaves are deeply incised. These flowers are pale lavender and the leaves are shallowly incised. They are cordate-orbicular at the base and lanceolate and elongated further up. Flowers are about 1/2" across, but as you can see this is blooming in a small pot, having been potted-on only once, so perhaps would be more robust with maturity. (I was surprised to get any blooms at all from seed this year, but I've had several C. waldsteinianas, and a C. choruhensis is preparing to put on quite a show. I should probably pinch off the buds, but I can't resist seeing what it's going to come up with!)
Anyway, I'm wondering if this is indeed sosnowkyi.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 08/22/2010 - 19:18

Are you able to lay your hands on a copy of The Caucasus and Its Flowers (Holubec & Krivka)?  There is a reasonably detailed description and a photo, therein, of C. sosnowskyi.  Let me know if you'd like me to send an excerpt to you.
I'm no expert but your plant doesn't seem to me to have many of the characteristics that are mentioned.  What it is though, assuming it is not C. sosnowskyi, I have no idea.

Submitted by Jeremy on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 07:41

It was tough laying my hands on that Caucasus book. I had to walk into the next room! Thanks for the nudge, Lori.
No, what I have is definitely NOT sosnowskyi, which apparently should be included in the C. tridentata group as the book says it is very similar to C. bellidifolia.
Time to make sure all pots labeled C. s. look the same, then look back on the list to see who donated the seed.

Submitted by Jeremy on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 09:17

Mea culpa! It appears that the plant in question is a mis-labeled C. waldsteiniana, judging from similar leaves on other seedlings. These incised roundish leaves tapering to a long petiole on another plant labeled C. sosnowskyi fit the description. Loving that cute waldsteiniana, though, first year from seed. These are all for the Chapter's seedling sale in Sept.

Submitted by Peter George on Sat, 01/08/2011 - 01:11

Wrightman's has C. sosnowskyi for sale in their new catalog. Given the difficulty I've had getting the 'real' plant from the exchange seeds, I'm going to buy 2 or 3 and see what happens.