Annual or Monocarpic

Submitted by Howey on

At the moment, our FOGs group at The University of Western Ontario is preparing for its annual Plant Sale in two weeks time. While assigning the various plants their proper designation - annuals, perennials, house plants, etc. - the question came up about whether Campanula incurva is an annual - I would have just called it monocarpic but wonder if that is right or if that covers it. Or maybe it is a biennial? Could it be a monocarpic biennial or is that a "double negative". Anyway, can someone who knows for sure set us straight about this? Thanks very much. Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b


Submitted by Lori S. on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 17:15

It is monocarpic in the sense that the plant dies after flowering, but it seems to me to be most accurately described as a biennial.  (That's how it acts for me, anyway.  The plants bloom in their second year, then die.)

Submitted by Peter George on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 19:52

It's an absolutely stunning plant, which I've raised from seed 3 times. Twice it bloomed and died in the 2nd year, and once it came back for a 3rd year, bloomed and was dead within 2 weeks. So it is almost always monocarpic, but apparently if it REALLY likes its location and the other conditions are perfect, it may come back for one encore. A plant well worth growing. I've never really collected Campanula seed in the past, but if I get it again, I'll make sure to raise a dozen or more seedlings and keep the plant around permanently.

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 05/05/2011 - 00:48

I would say it is biennial as Lori suggests. A biennial is monocarpic as well even if some plants can live a little longer. Monocarpic is used when a plant live for several years (more than two) then flowers and die. Sometimes you can postpone the death by deheading it.